Speaking about video games. Graphics or gameplay?
(Reading. Boon or bane? Extensive)
(interview classmates)
Teaching english via videogames. Do you agree?
(Game types, described. Game terms. Possibly too complex)
Speaking about video games. Graphics or gameplay?
(Reading. Boon or bane? Extensive)
(interview classmates)
Teaching english via videogames. Do you agree?
(Game types, described. Game terms. Possibly too complex)
Letzte Woche: Kartenspiel Quartett/Trumpf (~40 fertig)
Wunschthemen: Z.B. Naturkatastrophen (i.d. USA)? S.U.
Zielthemen: Geschichte d. USA? (AB in Schnellhefter)
Beispiele Naturkatastrophen aus dem Netz:
1. Mögliches Arbeitsblatt 1 , Gemischt (Einfach. Besser #6?)
2, Sentences, Vocab
3, Talking
4, Quiz/Lückentext
5. Vocab/Sentences
6. Vocabulary, match the words to the pictures [Link]
7. Textverständnis <-
(More, https://en.islcollective.com/english-esl-worksheets/search/natural+disasters)
Videos, Hören, Verstehen;
10 größten Naturkatastrophen i.d. USA, 7 Min ??
(7 in unter 3, aber nicht nur Naturk.)
(Swicks Classroom*)
*Playlist mit allen Boomwhackers-Videos
TIMING/Rythmus finden
„This one grooves„
Tetris 1?
(Nothing else matters)
Dancemonkey Lessons,
Chrome Musiclabs, Songs setzen;
-> https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Song-Maker/
Alle Vögel / Twinkle Twinkle
Falling animation DIY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGcV1yZCPJ8
Büro-PC enthält Lieder/Grafiken, das eBook ist aber eher eine lose Blattsammlung.
Population, List:
Size/Area: (Square kilometers, km²)
Popularity/Travel: (Ranking)
Highest Elevation:
Water, Area:
% Percent % How wet is your state?
How Wet is Your State? The Water Area of Each State | U.S. Geological Survey (usgs.gov)
Income-Rank (Place, e.g. 32nd) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_income
Premade game Quartett – „USA states“ – Unterrichtsmaterial im Fach Englisch (eduki.com)
_States | Population | Water area (%) | Travel Popul | Area (km²) | Highest elevatio | Income (Ran | |
1 | Alabama | 4,903,185 | 3.4% | 14 | 135,767 | 733 | 46 |
2 | Alaska | 731,545 | 14.2% | 34 | 1,723,337 | 6198 | 12 |
3 | Arizona | 7,278,717 | 0.3% | 9 | 295,234 | 3853 | 28 |
4 | Arkansas | 3,017,825 | 2.1% | 45 | 137,732 | 840 | 48 |
5 | California | 39,512,223 | 4.8% | 1 | 423,972 | 4421 | 5 |
6 | Colorado | 5,758,736 | 0.4% | 16 | 269,601 | 4401 | 9 |
7 | Connecticut | 3,565,287 | 12.6% | 42 | 14,357 | 726 | 6 |
8 | Delaware | 973,764 | 21.7% | 38 | 6,446 | 137 | 16 |
9 | Florida | 21,477,737 | 18.5% | 2 | 170,312 | 105 | 34 |
10 | Georgia | 10,617,423 | 3.2% | 9 | 153,91 | 1459 | 29 |
11 | Hawaii | 1,415,872 | 41.2% | 10 | 28,313 | 4208 | 4 |
12 | Idaho | 1,787,065 | 1.1% | 39 | 216,443 | 3862 | 31 |
13 | Illinois | 12,671,821 | 4.1% | 18 | 149,995 | 377 | 17 |
14 | Indiana | 6,732,219 | 1.6% | 24 | 94,326 | 383 | 37 |
15 | Iowa | 3,155,070 | 0.7% | 32 | 145,746 | 509 | 30 |
16 | Kansas | 2,913,314 | 0.6% | 46 | 213,1 | 1232 | 27 |
17 | Kentucky | 4,467,673 | 2.3% | 33 | 104,656 | 1263 | 44 |
18 | Louisiana | 4,648,794 | 17.5% | 29 | 135,659 | 163 | 47 |
19 | Maine | 1,344,212 | 12.8% | 44 | 91,633 | 1606 | 35 |
20 | Maryland | 6,045,680 | 21.8% | 26 | 32,131 | 1025 | 1 |
21 | Massachuset | 6,949,503 | 26.1 % | 21 | 27,336 | 1064 | 2 |
22 | Michigan | 9,986,857 | 41.5% | 31 | 250,487 | 604 | 32 |
23 | Minnesota | 5,639,632 | 8.4% | 23 | 225,163 | 702 | 13 |
24 | Mississippi | 2,976,149 | 3.1% | 27 | 125,438 | 246 | 50 |
25 | Missouri | 6,137,428 | 1.4% | 30 | 180,54 | 540 | 38 |
26 | Montana | 1,068,778 | 1.0% | 40 | 380,831 | 3904 | 40 |
27 | Nebraska | 1,934,408 | 0.7% | 49 | 200,33 | 1654 | 25 |
28 | Nevada | 3,080,156 | 0.7% | 3 | 286,38 | 4007 | 24 |
29 | New Hamps | 1,359,711 | 4.2% | 48 | 24,214 | 1918 | 8 |
30 | New Jersey | 8,882,190 | 15.7% | 17 | 22,591 | 550 | 3 |
31 | New Mexico | 2,096,829 | 0.2% | 37 | 314,917 | 4014 | 45 |
32 | New York | 19,453,561 | 13.6% | 5 | 141,297 | 1630 | 14 |
33 | North Caroli | 10,488,084 | 9.7% | 20 | 139,391 | 2039 | 39 |
34 | North Dakot | 762,062 | 2.4% | 43 | 183,108 | 1069 | 20 |
35 | Ohio | 11,689,100 | 8.8% | 12 | 116,098 | 472 | 36 |
36 | Oklahoma | 3,956,971 | 1.9% | 41 | 181,037 | 1517 | 43 |
37 | Oregon | 4,217,737 | 2.4% | 28 | 254,799 | 3428 | 18 |
38 | Pennsylvani | 12,801,989 | 2.8% | 22 | 119,28 | 980 | 23 |
39 | Rhode Island | 1,059,361 | 33.1% | 47 | 4,001 | 248 | 15 |
40 | South Caroli | 5,148,714 | 6.1% | 7 | 82,933 | 1086 | 41 |
41 | South Dakot | 884,659 | 1.7% | 36 | 199,729 | 2209 | 33 |
42 | Tennessee | 6,833,174 | 2.2% | 11 | 109,153 | 2026 | 42 |
43 | Texas | 28,995,881 | 2.7% | 4 | 695,662 | 2668 | 22 |
44 | Utah | 3,205,958 | 3.2% | 15 | 219,882 | 4126 | 11 |
45 | Vermont | 623,989 | 4.2% | 50 | 24,906 | 1340 | 26 |
46 | Virginia | 8,535,519 | 7.7% | 6 | 110,787 | 1747 | 10 |
47 | Washington | 7,614,893 | 6.8% | 25 | 184,661 | 4395 | 7 |
48 | West Virgini | 1,792,147 | 0.8% | 51 | 62,756 | 1483 | 49 |
49 | Wisconsin | 5,822,434 | 17.3% | 19 | 169,635 | 595 | 21 |
50 | Wyoming | 578,759 | 0.7% | 35 | 253,335 | 4210 | 19 |
Moin Neo!
Boom whacker heroes
Thirds (swyks)
Happy birthday
Piano, guitar hero like guide:
(Kroma tubes, https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLP1qkiSp619wgb6x5T4D2zhtJ5Ei6S89z)
Grundschule, Kinder spielen https://youtu.be/DCk5FnEilqo
Noe Evtl https://youtu.be/3TsLaJxVdzE
Pokemon, bw hero
Gravity falls
He’s a pirate, Fluch der Karibik,
Blues, schneller, aber gut gemacht
Starwars theme, schnell aber relativ gut
(ggf. Langsamer machen)
Fireworks/plastic bag, swycks classroom
Swicks, surface pressure, guter rythmus
Schwer, gruppen, aber gut
Leider Mehr sets https://youtu.be/mv8plDr4T9w
Ways to play bw. Garden hose. Mat, helmet, pvc pipes, cups… https://youtu.be/Zu5im8Xzy_U
Webinar 1h
Seven nation army Beispiel https://youtu.be/X747jFzfRK4
Boom whacker heroes
, https://youtu.be/ljK0SBXJow4
, https://youtu.be/fbJ2_fHrn7s
Thirds (swyks)
, https://youtu.be/ij6PuoB5MLQ
, https://youtu.be/rl_bTKQIwkA
Happy birthday
Piano, guitar hero like guide:
, https://youtu.be/OahHwXKUHnI
(Kroma tubes, https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLP1qkiSp619wgb6x5T4D2zhtJ5Ei6S89z)
Grundschule, Kinder spielen https://youtu.be/DCk5FnEilqo
Noe Evtl https://youtu.be/3TsLaJxVdzE
Pokemon, bw hero
, https://youtu.be/9ev6-G_7-2c
Gravity falls
, https://youtu.be/jUEtuyOofEY
He’s a pirate, Fluch der Karibik,
, https://youtu.be/pGUYug1przY
Blues, schneller, aber gut gemacht
, https://youtu.be/z44tzWwbV8E
Starwars theme, schnell aber relativ gut
, https://youtu.be/k3u0O-Omc4I
(ggf. Langsamer machen)
Fireworks/plastic bag, swycks classroom
, https://youtu.be/D9uDPJ18sjs
Swicks, surface pressure, guter rythmus
, https://youtu.be/3nNP2dOnJxg
Schwer, gruppen, aber gut
Leider Mehr sets https://youtu.be/mv8plDr4T9w
, https://youtu.be/WsYTTMuwCz0
Ways to play bw. Garden hose. Mat, helmet, pvc pipes, cups… h ttps://youtu.be/Zu5im8Xzy_U
, https://youtube.com/user/vakmuziek
Webinar 1h
, https://youtu.be/BMmWZAECPYg
Seven nation army Beispiel https://youtu.be/X747jFzfRK4
Hier befindet sich momentan nur eine Linksammlung für aktuelle Projekte.
S.A. http://blog.pixelgiraffe.com